14 Outrageous Things That Are Somehow Legal – But Shouldn’t Be!

Despite laws designed to promote safety and order, there are some practices that, astonishingly, pass legal muster. Here’s a list of such eyebrow-raising activities:

– Exotic animal pet ownership
– Acceptance of corporal punishment in schools
– The dubious practice of conversion therapy for minors
– Legal child marriage
– Unchecked salvage logging
– Private ownership of machine guns
– The controversial practice of patent trolling
– Legal use of credit scores for hiring decisions
– The legal sale of flavored tobacco products
– Easy access to high-interest payday loans
– Convenience-driven declawing of cats
– Selling products laden with microbeads
– The unrestricted usage of drones in public spaces
– Direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising

All Bark and a Potential Bite: The Legality of Exotic Pet Ownership

Did you know that in some states it’s legal to own exotic animals like tigers or bears? In terms of potential hazards, such ownership certainly raises alarms. From serious safety concerns to animal welfare issues, having such exotic pets often leads to substandard living conditions for these animals, posing serious risks not only to the owners but also to the community.

Old School, Literally: Corporal Punishment in Schools

Believe it or not, corporal punishment is still allowed within educational environments across 19 states in the US. Yes, students can be physically disciplined—an approach that contradicts modern child welfare standards and understanding of psychology. Plus, studies reveal this practice can lead to harmful psychological and educational long-term effects.

A Dubious Road to Change: Conversion Therapy for Minors

Conversion therapy—aimed at changing an individual’s sexual orientation—is another shocking practice still legal in some areas. Medical experts have widely discredited this method which has been known to cause serious psychological trauma.

Underage and Tied Down: The Consequences of Child Marriage

In many places, it is still legal for individuals under 18 to get married, given parental consent—a startling fact considering the negative impact on the health, education, and overall well-being of these minors.

Timber Troubles: Salvage Logging Sans Environmental Review

Logging companies often have free rein in areas affected by natural disturbances, able to cut down trees without undergoing environmental impact reviews. This can result in significant ecological problems like habitat destruction and increased soil erosion.

Trigger-Happy Society: Personal Ownership of Machine Guns

The unrestricted ownership of machine guns and other automatic weaponry is surprisingly legal in some areas, posing public safety risks due to easy access and potential misuse.

Trolling for Treasure: Patent Infringement for Profit

Despite stifling innovation and placing undue financial burdens, especially on startups, patent trolling remains a legal practice.

Too Much Credit: Hiring Decisions Based on Credit Scores

Where legal, employers often make hiring decisions based on credit scores, an approach that discriminates against candidates who’ve previously faced financial difficulties which in return propagates an unending cycle of poverty and unemployment.

Flavored But Fatal: Accessible Tobacco Products

Despite known health risks, flavored tobacco continues to be legally sold in various locations. Sadly, these often appeal to younger demographics, potentially leading to nicotine addiction and long-term health conditions.

Quick Cash, Long Debts: High-Interest Payday Loans

While payday loans are financial lifelines for many, their high interest rates often trap borrowers in a vicious cycle of debt.

For Their Comfort, Not Ours: The Declawing of Cats

The pervasive yet controversial practice of declawing cats for owner convenience raises concern for the long-term physical and psychological well-being of these pets, hence sparking calls for a complete ban.

Small but Significant: The Use of Microbeads

Known for contributing to pollution and endangering marine life, products containing microbeads are shockingly still legal for sale, causing hazards to our ecosystems.

High Flyers with No Boundaries: Drone Usage in Public Spaces

Drones are increasingly being used in public spaces with few or no restrictions. The potential for invasive surveillance via drones is a growing concern in our tech-savvy world.

Over-Medicated and Under-Informed: Direct-to-consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising

Legal only in the United States and New Zealand, direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising is criticized for encouraging drug overuse and prioritizing marketing over public health.

Striving for Legal Reform

While laws keep our society orderly and safe, examples like these call for constant legal review and reform. Bridging these legal loopholes is crucial— it would ensure public safety, protect animals, safeguard the environment, and promote societal well-being in general. So let’s kickstart a conversation about necessary legal reforms and spread awareness.